"Its tough accepting, but necessary, my darling" - Moonbird
You're not going to be everybody's cup of tea, and that's okay. Unfortunately the world is swamped with people who, no matter what you do, how hard you try, will simply just not like you. The good news is, the world is also filled with souls like your own, souls that will embrace your wildness without judging you for it. These people will love you fiercely and they are your earthly treasures. Don't waste your finite time proving to undeserving people that you have value. They will miss it completely. They wont buy what you are selling. You are not for them and they are not for you. Seek to share your path with those who seek and recognize the beauty of your soulful presence, and leave the rest gracefully behind as you move on with your meaningful existence.
Tell your ego to shut up and call yourself out. The most common reason why we keep making the same mistakes is because our insecure ego's prevents us from taking responsibility for our own faults, toxic traits and mistakes. You have to call yourself out. That means we actually care about our futures, personal growth, progress and happiness. I'd rather exceed in growing my character than go through life with ignorance and just protecting my ego. Take a step back, grow up, and move on.
There is no type of affection that can fill the void in a person who doesn't love and value themselves. Yes, our hearts are made to love each other, but you cant lean on someone in order to feel full. There is zero independence in dependency and there is no personal security in attaching yourself to a stable and secure person. Until you have a healthy relationship with yourself, you wont be making healthy decisions about someone else. Be happy alone, so that you can be happier with someone.
Taking no risk is really the biggest risk. I've missed out on so many opportunities because of the fear of failure, rejection and of course, my ego. We have to risk failure to succeed in everything in life. We have to risk rejection to be accepted. We have to risk heartbreak to love. If we're always avoiding risk,we risk missing out on life.
Happiness is where you are at the moment, or nowhere at all. Its not a relationship. Its not a new car, job, completed goal or losing 5 kilograms. Until you give up the illusion that happiness is somewhere else, it will never ever be where you are.
Contrary to the popular opinions of our twisted society, quitting is for winners. Knowing when to quit, change direction, leave a toxic situation, demand more from life or move on from people who no longer serves you, is a very important skill that people who win at life all seem to have. Don't quit because its hard. Quit because it sucks and robs you from your joy.
Closure is your choice, darling. Its not an apology, or justice, or revenge. Its not even answers.
That's insecurity. If the situation made you feel worthless, seeking closure by reopening it is silly. Closure isn't something someone else can give you. Closure is moving on. Closure is essentially just your own choice, silly!
Gosh. I wish I knew this goodie earlier in my life. Your responsibility to help someone will NEVER outweigh their responsibility to help themselves. But, it's worth asking yourself why you resonated so strongly with someone that so desperately needed "fixing" in the first place. Don't become so obsessed with someone else's healing that you forget about your own. Sometimes, our attachments tells a story about an issue we have within ourselves. Charity begins at home babe.
If they really wanted to, they would. If you apply pressure, they might do what you want them to. If you take the pressure off, you'll see what they'd rather do. Never waste your precious time on these uncertain souls. Let them go. Move on. Do better.
True allurement isn't wrapped up in the perfect partner you wish to meet in a cozy coffee shop. Its wrapped up in the smile that loves unconditionally. A decent breakfast. A warm sunset. A candle lit bath. A rising moon. A good book. The smell of a brand new day. Its wrapped up in little everyday joys we so easily take for granted.
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