My 7 easy beauty makeup tips for beginners . Alrighty lovelies, lets go back to the basics shall we? I remember my 10 year old curious self sitting in front of my Mother's mirror - exploring all the cream and powder products I had to my exposure. Layering my face with every single product I could get my tiny fingers on gave me such a thrill. Jumping castles and swimming on Sunday's never rocked my boat like hosting makeovers did. I even tweezed brows, over plucked them and got into huge trouble, but all in the name of beauty - so I took my time in the naughty corner on the chin. How many of us go through this beauty venture with such a childlike approach and understanding? Hopefully not to such an indulging extend like I did, lol! As an adult, being exposed to a market that is literally flooded with thousands of products, opinions and techniques to chose from can be super overwhelming. BUT, the good news is anyone (yes, even you ) can be good at doing th...